Remote Digital Onboarding & Know Your Customer (KYC compliance with AML4)

Remote Digital Onboarding & Know Your Customer (KYC)

October 23, 2020
Press Releases

Remote Digital Onboarding & Know Your Customer (KYC eIDAS compliant with AML4)

In the current regulatory landscape, global financial organizations must make significant investments in anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terrorism controls (CFT) leading them to follow a client identification procedure of Customer Due Diligence (CDD) or Know Your Customer (KYC). ID Verification helps banks provide a smooth customer onboarding experience that complies with KYC regulations and minimizes the risk of fraud.

Orchestrate the optimal customer journey

  • Fully compliant with latest Bank of Greece regulations
  • End-to-end solution including video call
  • Modular solution – can be connected to any existing processes
  • Mobile Channel fully supported (NFC Technology)
  • Fastest solution available

Solution in a nutshell 

Remote KYC/IDV (SaaS in the cloud)

  • Web/Mobile IDV Level 1 and FR (via ICAO Certified documents)
    Liveness detection featured
    ID/Passport Advanced Security checks & data extraction
  • Customer Due Diligence and Risk Assessment (via DowJones Watch List)
  • Accompanied Documents OCR and Management
  • Remote issuing of eIDAS Qualified Certificate 
  • Remote eIDAS Document Signing and Management
Indicative Process Flow 


Mellon in partnership with Thales’s ID verification solution, automatically performs, in a few seconds, the three verification actions required to identify a customer and it also allows a real-time enrollment in any configuration. It is a fully flexible solution that can be easily deployed across subsidiaries and branches.

Our solution automatically provides, in a matter of seconds:

  • digital capture of customer information for instant auto-fill in enterprise data systems
  • multichannel identity document verification, with adaptable security levels
  • option of customer authentication using biometric technologies
  • option of customer risk assessment through the review of PEPs, sanctions or watch lists​

Digital Onboarding solution offers organizations various services depending on local regulations and IT infrastructure:

  • Off-line ID Verification with Back-office services
  • Video Call services for extra security checks and liveness
  • Uploading of extra accompanied documents to support remote on-boarding
  • Remote issuing of Qualified Certificate to support Remote Digital Signing under eIDAS regulation


Use Cases

  • Digital customer on-boarding (non-customers, FI’s, SME’s)
  • Online authentication and eIDAS QES Issuing and enabling - Act as a TSP (Trust Service Provider) in compliance with directive of July, 2017 and eIDAS
  • Remote Signing of documents – Digital Transformation
  • Regular Update of customer details for High-Risk Customers / Better risk assessments and compliance with AML4-5/CFT


Unique Advantages

  • Local offices and Support in SEE
  • Consulting on Compliance issues (eIDAS, AML, PSD2)
  • Huge experience in Outsourcing and CCS
  • Global partners and cutting edge technology
  • Certification by EU Conformity Assessment Body
  • Agents/Validators Trained on identification of fake documents
  • Fast digital on-boarding, Secure IDV results
  • IDV Methods: Automated L1 and L2 IDV, Video Call with Interactive Sales Capabilities, Hybrid IDV and KYC
  • TECH: Auto Liveness Detection and Biometric Face Recognition // Agents-Validators anti-fraud Techniques // Qualified Certificates enrolment and Issuing (short and long lived, for retail and companies) // OCR and ICR
  • DOCS: ICAO Documents of more than 200 countries // Non-ICAO ID Documents // Extra Documents management (i.e. utility bills)



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